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Are YOU regulation ready?

In July 2020 the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) released a report of the recommendations of the Regulation of Property Agents Working Group (RoPA). Housing Minister Heather Wheeler MP set up the group in October 2018 and appointed Lord Richard Best as Chair.

RoPA have been tasked with examining several key industry issues, including regulation and qualification.

As a long standing member of ARLA Propertymark who have long called for Government regulation to ensure everyone in the industry is licensed, adheres to a strict code of practice and holds at least a Level 3 qualification (the level equivalent to an A-level). The RoPA working group represents a huge potential for the professionalisation of the sector and to stamp out bad practice.

The working group has proposed a new regulatory framework to cover both estate agents in the UK and letting and managing agents in England only. It is important to note that the private rented sector is a devolved issue and that the Welsh and Scottish Governments have already introduced legislation to regulate letting agents.

The RoPA working group has recommended in their report that:

· All agencies operating a residential property business should be licensed and licensing should include a fit and proper person test for company directors.

· All staff delivering ‘reserved activities’ employed within the residential agency business should be licensed and adhere to a Code of Practice.

· All staff delivering ‘reserved activities’ employed within the residential agency business should hold a qualification at Level 3 or above.

· All company directors and managing agents should be qualified to a minimum of Level 4.

· A new regulator to be appointed to oversee compliance with an overarching Code of Practice.

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